Day to day struggles, complaints, observations while trying to build a family despite infertility (Primary and Secondary and now with donor eggs), have a career, and live a meaningful life.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
There are times when a little compassion goes a long way. The key is discerning when you need it and when you need to give it. Those two different occasions often feel the same.
married, mother to a toddler after infertility, step-parent to teenager who lives with us, trying to have baby #2 with an astounding lack of success. Finally successful once we tried donor eggs. Currently trying to balance complaining and appreciation.
Trying since Jan 2004 when I was 33. I have one Daughter who is 2. Trying for another baby for over a year. One m.c and 2 IVF's later we are preparing for IVF#3 with Donor eggs. . I am 38.
Diagnosis= unexplained..but what that really means is poor egg quality.
April 2008: 11.8 March 2008: 10.7 November 2007: 6 November 2004: 3.9
Considered a poor responder but I have gotten OHSS on inject/iui cycles. Go figure!
____________________________________________ IVF #3. Donor eggs. Success. Healthy baby girl born Aug 19, 2009. 7 frozen blasts.
IVF #2no BCP...Antagonist protocol with a little estrogen priming . Gonal-f and Menopur. Maximum medication. 7 egg retrieved. 5 mature. 6 fertalized. ET 3 embys: 2-8celled, 1-6 cell. BFN
IVF #1 April/May 08 On max meds...produced 4 mature eggs and a bunch of smaller ones which did not grow fast enough..2 survived to ET (1-8 celled, 1-5celled)...BFN.
Oct 07-Jan 08- 4 iui's on lots of Gonal-F. Most times I had 3-4 mature follicles..BFN. Oh and I got OHSS twice.
April 07- Inject /iui BFP! Not to last very long. At 7 week u/s we were measuring behind. HCG not doubling as it should Waited for over a month to m/c naturally. Had to wait most of the summer for HCG to go down. Increased my wine intake from "moderate" to "heavy". I don't want to complain about that Summer but let's just say I wont be making any custom T-shirts with Summer 2007! emblazoned on them.
March 07- 1st inject/iui for baby #2. BFN
Feb 07- Stopped breast feeding to start trying for baby #2. I loved breastfeeding and hated to stop but I felt I needed to get a move on with baby #2.
Aug 06- Healthy-live baby!
Jan 05-Oct 05- 7 clomid/iui cycles and 2 inject/iui cycles BFP on 2nd inject cycle
Jan 04-Jan 05- Natural cycles with Charting..actual sex
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Sending you a big warm hug!!
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