Thursday, April 30, 2009

Silver Lining and a Conspriacy Theory

Never let it be said that I am a complainer. Ok, I am a HUGE complainer (Hey, I do have some self-awareness....I'm just powerless to stop it) but every now and then I try to find the silver lining (as ridiculous as it may be).

Once, my mother told me that now that I was pregnant everyone knew I had had sex. Yes, I'm nearly 40 and married to a hot man so to assume I have the sex isn't what I'd call wild speculation or particularly scandalous but if proof were needed, a pregnant belly would indeed be proof...for most women. (Clearly, my mother has some deep, long-standing Catholic guilt about sex which she unsuccessfully tries to pass along to her kids.) And I told her, "We'll they'd be wrong about that. Mr. Peeveme and I were not even in the same town when we conceived."

So I guess when Piccolina or Bambina asks how they were made I can say, "When a mother and father love each other very much they go to see a Dr. and a team of highly trained professionals who, for lots of $$$$$.....

Not that I'm trying to maintain my virgin status or anything and I mean no disrespect to The Virgin Mary but my conceptions have been immaculate. Maybe that's the real reason the Catholic Church is against IVF?


Coco said...

Thanks for the laugh, I needed it!

Bluebird said...

Hahaha! Love it! We always joked that when our babies acted up we could threaten: "We paid a lot of money for you!"

Not on Fire said...

Thanks for making me laugh.

Sky said...

That was hysterically funny.

As an atheist, I naturally don't entertain a virgin birth thousands of years ago.

But I concede that with modern medicine, a virgin birth is easily achievable.

Mindy said...

Hysterical! Thanks for that. :-)

Anonymous said...

Hah. You may be right.... :)