Friday, July 17, 2009

Poor Mr. Peeveme

Poor little Piccolina has an awful rash on her face. She had it last week and it was getting better but now it has come back with a vengeance. She does not seem bothered by it too much and has no other symptoms.

Mr. Peeveme is very anti-intervention and anti-anything "chemical". I have been asking him to let me put some either hydrocortison cream (to fight inflammation) or Lotrimin (to fight fungal infection) on her poor little face but he insisted we keep applying lotion. And he wont let me use the lotion the Dr recommended for when she had baby he has to buy some organic lotion...which doesn't do shit for her really dry, red, cracked skin. Hand cream ain't going to cut it even if it does smell like grapefruit essence.

Anyhow, last night I was, yet again, making my case for hydrcortison or Lotrimin. He thought it was too chemically to put so near her month. I reminded him that he used it on his genitals when he had that little itching problem last year.

And in a tone of voice that I can only describe as pitiful resignation he said, "Yea well nobody's mouth has been near there in a long time".


Renovation Girl said...

HA! That is soooo NOT where I thought this post was going!!!

Sprogblogger said...

*snort* Poor Mr. Peeveme, indeed. Since our little "bleeding after bliss" episode, I've put a stop to, er, conjugal relations for the time being. Maybe Mr. Peeveme & The Boy should get together to commiserate!

Coco said...


Anonymous said...

That is great! Poor guy. I hope he comes around and lets you medicate your other poor baby.

Anonymous said...

hahahahaha - that is fabulous. I think our men should join their own blogging support group on what IF and treatments have done to their sex lives...

Eb said...

thank god, thought it was just the eternal dry season for us!
Sorry to hear your little on isn't feeling so hot. Hopefully you can find a compromise

areyoukiddingme said...

It must be fellatio week - this is the third post/comment I've seen on this topic!

Poor Mr. Peeveme - maybe he's trying to inspire you before the long dry spell that he knows is coming.

I hope Piccolina's face is better soon.

Bluebird said...

Oh that's rich! ! Bless everyone's little hearts :)

A said...

hahahaha!!! I just laughed out loud on that one! Definately not where I thought this post was going! :)

Lorraine said...

Poor Mr. P!

Re: the rash - if it gets worse, the solution might have to be much stronger steroids. I had to do ten days of prednisone once because of contact dermatitis that spread. So much better to use a tiny dab of hydrocortisone on a q-tip and see if it helps.

Otherwise, maybe aloe vera straight from the plant?

Birdee said...

LOL, I needed a good laugh this wonderful Saturday morning, and that comment did it!

edie & ella said...

I see a little compromise opportunity....say a little antihistamine cream for a little mouth love!!!
The things we do for our children!

bleu said...

I swear swear swear by almond oil for all rashes and skin problems beyond the cold sore or nerve involved

Kami said...

Too funny! I as talking to my acu a bit ago - who is VERY in to the organic, natural whatever and she said, "Sometimes you really want it to work, but it just doesn't"

Congrats on the job!

Marie said...

Hee hee. My husband feels your husbands pain.

Anonymous said...

ROFL!! I, too, did not think this was where this post was going. Thanks for the laugh! LOL Mr. Peeveme can commiserate with Big D on this. LOL

Chelle said...

LOL! At first I was like, "why poor Mr. Peeveme? ... Poor Piccolina!"

HAHA! Poor Mr. Peevme is right!