Day to day struggles, complaints, observations while trying to build a family despite infertility (Primary and Secondary and now with donor eggs), have a career, and live a meaningful life.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
No PKU here
Bambina does not have it. Thanks for all your good thoughts and support. Huge sigh of relief and gratitude. Will be making a donation to the national PKU foundation.
I'm so thrilled you guys are one of the lucky ones to get the good news - sincerely. You would have done just fine, but it's nice not to have to deal with it just the same.
And thank YOU for the donation. My family really appreciates it.
Have a wonderful time enjoying that sweet baby - sincerely, Em
(mom to Youngest - the smartest 3 1/2 year old little boy, who happens to have PKU :-)
I'm sorry I haven't been around but so glad to hear th good news about Bambina! (although I AM pissed at myself for missing out on the pictures...whaaaaa!!)
It's me jojobee now twin mommy, I've made my blog private, I'd love to add you to my blog list to continue reading: you can email me at:
Read this on my blackberry when you posted it and was thrilled for you! I hope you are happily busy with your bundle of joy! (and hey, don't you have to go accept an award soon??)
Hello hot stuff.........I know you are busy with the new baby, the toddler/big girl and the job/awards..........but (not to be selfish or anything....) but how the heck are ya???????????
married, mother to a toddler after infertility, step-parent to teenager who lives with us, trying to have baby #2 with an astounding lack of success. Finally successful once we tried donor eggs. Currently trying to balance complaining and appreciation.
Trying since Jan 2004 when I was 33. I have one Daughter who is 2. Trying for another baby for over a year. One m.c and 2 IVF's later we are preparing for IVF#3 with Donor eggs. . I am 38.
Diagnosis= unexplained..but what that really means is poor egg quality.
April 2008: 11.8 March 2008: 10.7 November 2007: 6 November 2004: 3.9
Considered a poor responder but I have gotten OHSS on inject/iui cycles. Go figure!
____________________________________________ IVF #3. Donor eggs. Success. Healthy baby girl born Aug 19, 2009. 7 frozen blasts.
IVF #2no BCP...Antagonist protocol with a little estrogen priming . Gonal-f and Menopur. Maximum medication. 7 egg retrieved. 5 mature. 6 fertalized. ET 3 embys: 2-8celled, 1-6 cell. BFN
IVF #1 April/May 08 On max meds...produced 4 mature eggs and a bunch of smaller ones which did not grow fast enough..2 survived to ET (1-8 celled, 1-5celled)...BFN.
Oct 07-Jan 08- 4 iui's on lots of Gonal-F. Most times I had 3-4 mature follicles..BFN. Oh and I got OHSS twice.
April 07- Inject /iui BFP! Not to last very long. At 7 week u/s we were measuring behind. HCG not doubling as it should Waited for over a month to m/c naturally. Had to wait most of the summer for HCG to go down. Increased my wine intake from "moderate" to "heavy". I don't want to complain about that Summer but let's just say I wont be making any custom T-shirts with Summer 2007! emblazoned on them.
March 07- 1st inject/iui for baby #2. BFN
Feb 07- Stopped breast feeding to start trying for baby #2. I loved breastfeeding and hated to stop but I felt I needed to get a move on with baby #2.
Aug 06- Healthy-live baby!
Jan 05-Oct 05- 7 clomid/iui cycles and 2 inject/iui cycles BFP on 2nd inject cycle
Jan 04-Jan 05- Natural cycles with Charting..actual sex
That is great news!
I am so happy about your good news. I have been thinking about you for days, checking in to see whether you posted. Thank God she is well!
bloody wonderful. So happy for you and little one.
Excellent news! Very relieved for you!
Wow, what a relief!
Wonderful news! Whew!
So glad you dodged that bullet - now you can revel in the joy that you deserve. AND your awesome award!
So glad, I know that you were very worried.
Thank goodness!
Great News! So happy for you guys!
Woohooo! I'm so happy!
WOOT WOOT! Go Bambina!
*Huge* sighs of relief. You must feel as if a heavy load has been lifted.
I'm so glad for you all!!!!!
Thank goodness. What a scare for you. If nothing else this served to educate more people about PKU. I had never heard of it before. So ahppy for you!
Great news! Glad you can focus on happier things now.
Yippeeeeeeee!!! Oh sweet relief!
I'm so thrilled you guys are one of the lucky ones to get the good news - sincerely. You would have done just fine, but it's nice not to have to deal with it just the same.
And thank YOU for the donation. My family really appreciates it.
Have a wonderful time enjoying that sweet baby - sincerely, Em
(mom to Youngest - the smartest 3 1/2 year old little boy, who happens to have PKU :-)
I saw this earlier but didn't have time to comment. Although I was sending you huge ~whew~ vibes! Fabulous news. Congrats.
So, so very happy for you guys that it was good news!
Oh wow! Just let out a huge deep breath for you. Thrilled beyond words. Yay :)
Wonderful news!
I'm sorry I haven't been around but so glad to hear th good news about Bambina! (although I AM pissed at myself for missing out on the pictures...whaaaaa!!)
what a relief! So glad she's all right!
It's me jojobee now twin mommy, I've made my blog private, I'd love to add you to my blog list to continue reading: you can email me at:
HOORAY! I'm very happy for you :)
Such good news - and to turn that relief into generosity is the perfect response. So happy for you!
Read this on my blackberry when you posted it and was thrilled for you! I hope you are happily busy with your bundle of joy! (and hey, don't you have to go accept an award soon??)
Yeah! Wonderful news.
What a relief. Hope everybody is doing good!
Hello hot stuff.........I know you are busy with the new baby, the toddler/big girl and the job/awards..........but (not to be selfish or anything....) but how the heck are ya???????????
Hey girl, I know your busy with a baby and all but I just wanted to let you know that I thinking about you! :)
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