Saturday, August 2, 2008

Day ten. At it again.

Still dealing with the same situation. Everything looks ok but not great. Still moving forward. At this point we have 3 for sure that will be mature after ER. 3 are maybe. 4 are possible but not likely. Dr. seems more optimistic than I am. I think he's just counting how many he can get at ER. I'm anticipating how many will be mature.

Day 5/Day 8/ Day 10

E2= 38/220/550
Right 5/4/4

#1 7.9 / 12.0/ 14.2
#2 7.3 /6.9/ 9.8
#3 6.7 / 6.7 / 8.4
#4 5.4 /6.4 /6.5
#5 5.1

Left 5 /5 /5

#1 8.2 /12/ 14.6
#2 6.8 /8.5 / 12.1
#3 6.3 /7.0 /10.1
#4 5.8 /6.3 /9.8
#5 5.5 /6.0 /8.6

Same meds but add in Cetrotide.

I think I will take all my meds early tonight so I don't have to do it at the reunion. I'll just have to get up early tomorrow morning to take my morning meds early.

Back for u/s on Monday but at this rate we wont be triggering anytime before Tuesday.
Slow and steady.

Thanks for your encouragement.


Katie said...

OK, you are the one with the phd in math and all, but it seems to me that some of those littler suckers are growing at a rate that would render them "sizeable" by Tuesday. I hope so! You might be surprised.

Eva said...

I hope this works.

Shelli said...

Thinking of you and wiling those follies to grow!

Anonymous said...

Grow follies grow! {{{Hugs}}} I'm thinkin of ya :)